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Where do you study? Not the same thing. The body has heard 21 cases sinceits singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries in These results revealed that the crop oil from seed kernel of Feun Kase Thevetia peruviana is a potential feedstock for biodiesel production. Preliminary studies on antihepatotoxic effect of Physalis peruviana Linn.

Solanaceae against carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury in rats. Physalis peruviana is a medicinal herb used by Muthuvan tribes and Tamilian native who reside in the shola forest regions of Kerala, India against jaundice.

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It was evaluated for its antihepatotoxic, phytochemical analysis and the acute toxicity of the most promising extract in rats. The results were judged from the serum marker enzymes. Histopathological changes induced by CCl 4 singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries also significantly reduced by the extract.

Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of various components in the crude aqueous extract. The extract was found to be devoid of any conspicuous acute toxicity in rats.

To fully utilize the potential of these phytochemicals we Eight alkaloids were identified, three of those alkaloids are 3beta-acetoxytropane and two N-methylpyrrolidinylhygrine isomers, which were not previously found in the genus PHYSALIS.

A reproduction of the identification of alkaloids detected in the plant by the use of retention indices has been singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a qualidade das frutas de P. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, com seis blocos e dez plantas por parcela. Efeito de aditivos biológicos comerciais na silagem de capim-elefante Pennisetum purpureum Schum Effect of commercial biological additives on elephantgrass Pennisetum purpureum Schum.

O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e seis repetições por tratamento. A lower pH P Detección de metabolitos secundarios en Ambrosia peruviana Willd y determinación de la actividad antibacteriana y antihelmíntica Secondary metabolite detection in Ambrosia peruviana Willd and determination of antibacterial and antihelmintic activity. Full Text Available En el conocimiento etnofarmacológico, Ambrosia peruviana es conocida como una planta antiinfecciosa y antihelmíntica.

Los ensayos de citotoxicidad en A. La actividad antibacteriana se realizó por los métodos de difusión en disco y concentración inhibitoria mínima CIM. Se determinó el porcentaje de huevos con embrión, o fecundados, liberados en el medio de cultivo con adición de extracto etanólico y acuoso secos de A.

Los ensayos de la especie vegetal frente a helmintos se realizaron al sumergir los adultos en medio con suplemento de extracto etanólico seco usando diferentes concentraciones y con fracciones ricas en alcaloides.

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Se identificó la presencia de alcaloides, glucósidos cardiotónicos, quinonas, flavonoides, carbohidratos, taninos y saponinas. Los extractos no presentaron actividad antibacteriana. Los ejemplares adultos de T. Los extractos de A. Ambrosia peruviana has been reported as an anti-infective and anti. Neuropharmacological effects of the aqueous leaf extract and fractions of Pavetta crassipes K.

Schum Rubiaceae in mice. Full Text Available Context: In Northern Nigeria, Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries crassipes K. Schum Rubiaceae leaf extracts are used in the treatment of convulsion, pain and mental illness; however, there is paucity of information on its neuropharmacological effects.

To evaluate the neuropharmacological effects of the aqueous leaf extract and fractions of Pavetta crassipes. Pavetta crassipes leaves were harvested, dried and powdered using an electric mill.

Hot aqueous extraction was done with g powdered leaf in mL distilled water. The dry extract was partitioned in various solvents with only the aqueous fraction AF, and butanol fraction BF giving significant yields. The onset of strychnine induced convulsions was significantly p The protective potential and possible mechanism of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. Furthermore, the hepatoprotective mechanisms were investigated by determining the amount of paracetamol and its metabolites glucuronide, sulfate, cysteine and mercapturic acid conjugates in urine and pentobarbital-induced sleeping time to indicate the inhibition on cytochrome P The involvement of glutathione was evaluated by determining hepatic reduced glutathione.

Its radical scavenging activity, iron chelating activity and total phenolic content were also determined. The results showed that the extract at the doses of 1. These results support singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries value of P.

For this reason, the cupuassu breeding program focused on the selection of genotypes with high pulp and seed quality-selection associated with the understanding of the mechanisms involved in fruit formation. Gene expression is one of the most used approaches related to such understanding. In this sense, quantitative real-time PCR qPCR is a powerful tool, since it rapidly and reliably quantifies gene expression levels across different experimental conditions. The analysis by qPCR and the correct interpretation of data depend on signal normalization using reference genes, i.

The evaluation of the gene expression stability was obtained using the NormFinder, geNorm and BestKeeper programs. In general, our results indicated that the GAPDH and MDH genes constituted the best combination as reference genes to analyze the expression of cupuassu samples.

To our knowledge, this is the first report of reference gene definition in cupuassu, and these results will support subsequent analysis related to gene expression studies in cupuassu plants subjected to different biotic or abiotic conditions as well as serve as a tool for diversity analysis based on pulp and singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries quality.

Association analysis for disease resistance to Fusarium oxysporum in cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. Vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum is the most important disease in cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L.

The development of resistant cultivars is considered one of the most cost-effective means to reduce the impact of this disease. In order to do so, it is necessary to provide breeders with molecular markers and promising germplasm for introgression of different resistance loci as part of breeding singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries. Here we described an association mapping study in cape gooseberry with the goal to: We found a total of 21 accessions with different resistance responses within a diversity panel of cape gooseberry accessions.

Model-based population structure and neighbor-joining analyses showed three populations comprising the cape gooseberry panel. After correction for population structure and kinship, we identified SNPs markers associated with the resistance response against F. Thus, the work also provides new knowledge on candidate. The architecture and associated fauna of Perouvianella peruvianaan endemic larger benthic foraminifera from the Cenomanian—Turonian transition interval of central Peru.

Moreover, a first description of the soritid taxa Pseudopeneroplis oyonensis n. Interestingly,the superposition of local and global environmental patterns onto the Western Peruvian shelf water masses triggered a mass development A new architectural analysis of P.

The paleoenvironment associated with the P PPL has been traditionally used as antispasmodic, diuretic, antiseptic, sedative, and analgesic all over the world. We aimed to perform qualitative content analysis of the fruits of PPL and to clarify the in vitro genotoxicity and in vivo acute and subchronic toxicity of the fruit. Lyophilized fruit juice does not induce genetic damage.

According to the subchronic toxicity studies, hepatic, renal, and hematological toxic effects were not induced in both sexes. In conclusion, lyophilized fruit juice of PPL is shown to induce cardiac toxicity only at high doses and in male gender.

Many bioactive compounds were found in PPE. PPE did not cause any changes in the second and third groups compared to normal control group. Administration of PPE prior to cisplatin injection caused significant reduction in relative kidney weight, serum creatinine, urea, blood urea nitrogen, and significant increments in body weight, feed intake, total protein, albumin, and total globulin compared to cisplatin group.

Pretreatment with PPE improved kidney histology and diminished the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and enhanced other antioxidant enzymes in kidney homogenate compared to cisplatin group. The potential protective role of Physalis peruviana L. This study aimed to investigate the potential protective role of Physalis peruviana L. Herein, cadmium chloride CdCl2 6.

The findings revealed that CdCl2 injection induced significant decreases in kidney weight and kidney index. Cadmium intoxication increased the activities of liver enzymes and the bilirubin level, in addition to the levels of uric acid, urea and creatinine were increased in the serum. The pre-administration of MEPh alleviated hepatorenal toxicity in Cd-treated rats. Physalis was noted to play a good hepatorenal protective role, reducing lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide, and enhancing enzymatic activities and non-enzymatic antioxidant molecule, glutathione, in hepatic and renal tissues of Cd-treated rats.

Moreover, physalis treatment was able to reverse the histopathological changes in liver and kidney tissues and also increased the expression of Bcl-2 protein in liver and kidney of rats. Overall, the results showed that MEPh can induce antioxidant and anti-apoptotic effects and also exerts beneficial effects for the treatment of Cd-induced hepatorenal toxicity. Supercritical carbon dioxide extract exhibits enhanced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Physalis peruviana.

PP is a medicinal herb widely used in folk medicine. The total flavonoid and phenol concentrations, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of these extracts were analyzed and compared with aqueous and ethanolic PP extracts. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana is an exotic fruit highly valued, however it is a very rich source of polyphenol oxidase PPO.

In this study, Cape gooseberry PPO was isolated and biochemically characterized. The enzyme was extracted and purified using acetone and aqueous two-phase systems.

The data indicated that PPO had the highest substrate affinity for chlorogenic acid, 4-methylcatechol and catechol.

The optimal pH values were 5. In inhibition tests, the most potent inhibitor was found to be ascorbic acid followed by L-cysteine and quercetin.

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This study shows possible treatments that can be implemented during the processing of Cape gooseberry fruits singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries prevent browning.

A non-linear least square regression analysis was used to evaluate the models. The Iglesias-Chirife model fitted best the experimental data. Isosteric heat of sorption was also determined from the equilibrium sorption data using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and was found to decrease exponentially with increasing moisture content.

The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to the sorption isotherms and indicated an enthalpy-controlled sorption process. Glass transition temperature Tg of Cape gooseberry was also determined by differential scanning calorimetry and modelled as a function of moisture content with the Gordon-Taylor, the Roos and the Khalloufi models, which proved to be excellent tools for predicting glass transition of Cape gooseberry.

In-tube extraction for the determination of the main volatile compounds in Physalis peruviana L. An analytical procedure based on in-tube extraction followed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry has been developed for the analysis of 24 of singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries main volatile components in cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L.

According to their chemical structure, the compounds were organized into different groups: Quantitative analysis using authentic standards and external calibration curves was performed. The limit of detection and limit of quantification for the analytical procedure were calculated.

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The obtained data may contribute to qualify cape gooseberry to the group of superfruits and, therefore, increase its popularity. The fruit of Physalis peruviana L. Withanolides derived from Physalis peruviana Poha with potential anti-inflammatory activity. Three new withanolides, physaperuvin G 1with physaperuvins I 2and J 3along with seven known derivativeswere isolated from the aerial parts of Physalis peruviana.

The structures of were determined by NMR, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectrometry. Renoprotective effect of Egyptian cape gooseberry fruit Physalis peruviana L. This study aimed to evaluate the renoprotective effect of Physalis peruviana L. Full Text Available Durante el estudio de los compuestos activos olfativamente en el aroma de la uchuva Physalis peruviana L. La técnica SAFE permitió obtener un extracto con un aroma muy semejante al de la fruta fresca.

En el extracto LL se detectaron algunos compuestos sin actividad olfativa en la fruta; en contraste, mediante la técnica de HS-MEFS no fue posible detectar todos los compuestos activos olfativamente, principalmente los de mayor polaridad. Identification of immunity related genes to study the Physalis peruviana --Fusarium oxysporum pathosystem.

The Cape gooseberry Physalisperuviana L is an Andean exotic fruit with high nutritional value and appealing medicinal properties. Full Text Available Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries Cape gooseberry Physalisperuviana L is an Andean exotic fruit with high nutritional value and appealing medicinal properties. Effect of pelleted citrus pulp inclusion on elephantgrass Pennisetum purpureum, Schum. Full Text Available Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar os efeitos da idade de corte do capim-elefante cv.

Napier Pennisetum purpureum Schum. The objectives of this trial were to evaluate the effects of regrowth age of elephantgrass Pennisetum purpureum Schum.

Napier, and citrus pulp addition on the fermentation pattern and aerobic stability of their silage. In addition to that, this research also aimed. Full Text Available En Colombia la uchuva Physalis peruviana se destaca como un producto de exportación y en la actualidad ocupa el segundo lugar, después del banano. En la zona de Silvia Cauca se cultivan frutas como la mora, el lulo, la uchuva; estas no son aprovechadas por la poca capacitación técnica y capacidad de negociación de los productores, lo que origina pérdidas de estos productos, en época de cosecha.

No Silvia Cauca mercado rural ecótipo de groselha capa Physalis. Biosynthesis of methylsterols from [1,C2] acetate; dihydrobrassicasterol and campesterol in tissue cultures of Physalis peruviana and ergosterol in yeast.

The 13 C labelling patterns singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries the two methyl groups at C of dihydrobrassicasterol biosynthesized from [1,2- 13 C 2 ] acetate differ from those of campesterol and methylenecholesterol obtained from cultured cells of Physalis peruviana and ergosterol from yeast. A rheological characterization under unidirectional compression singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries uchuva fruits Physalis peruviana L.

The results showed that the flesh firmness and the mechanical resistance to the fracture in two loading directions longitudinal and transversal diminish with the postharvest time. Moreover, the ripe fruit is more susceptible to mechanical damage with singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries to unripe and ripening singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries.

In vitro establishment and multiplication of Physalis peruviana L. Aiming the in vitro establishment and the multiplication of Physalis peruviana L. For the establishment it was tested five procedures of desinfestation of the seeds, P1: The effects of three closing out dates and four harvesting dates on the production and chemical composition of an elephant grass soilage area were studied.

It was used a completely randomized block design according to a factorial scheme 3x4 with four replications, three closing out dates and four harvesting dates. The closing out dates were: January, February and March and the sampling dates were: May, June, July and August. If the soilage is going to be utilized just at the beginning of the.

Comportamiento del fruto de uchuva Physalis peruviana L. Por lo anterior, se evaluó el comportamiento del fruto de uchuva ecotipo Colombia sometido a diferentes temperaturas de almacenamiento, a los que se les evaluó la pérdida de masa fresca, índice de color, firmeza, sólidos solubles totales y acidez total. Se presentaron diferencias significativas para todas las variables evaluadas entre los tratamientos bajo refrigeración y el testigo. La temperatura de almacenamiento, influyó sobre todas las características físicas y químicas evaluadas de manera satisfactoria, ya que luego de 18 días después de almacenamiento los frutos refrigerados conservaron su calidad, siendo favorable para su comercialización; sin embargo, se espera en estudios futuros realizar pruebas de vida en anaquel que permitan descartar fisiopatías que afecten la presentación del producto así como su consumo.

Assessment of antidiabetic activity and acute toxicity of leaf extracts from Physalis peruviana L. Objective To verify the antidiabetic activity of leaf extracts from Physalis peruviana L. The effect was compared to the control and glibenclamide as antidiabetic reference drug. Acute toxicity was evaluated by recording mortality rate, changes on blood biomarkers and damage caused to vital organs.

Antihepatoma activity of Physalis angulata and P. Physalis angulata and P. In this study, the aqueous and ethanol extracts prepared from the whole plant of these species were evaluated for their antihepatoma activity. The results showed that ethanol extract of P. Interestingly, all extracts showed no cytotoxic effect on normal mouse liver cells.

Treatment with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, a protonophore, caused a reduction of membrane potential Deltapsim by mitochondrial membrane depolarization. At high concentrations, EEPP was shown to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through mitochondrial dysfunction as demonstrated by the following observations: The results conclude that EEPP possesses potent antihepatoma activity and its effect on apoptosis is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.

NMR-based metabolic study of fruits of Physalis peruviana L. The berry of Physalis peruviana L. Solanaceae represents an important socio-economical commodity for Latin America. The absence of a clear phenotype renders it difficult to trace its place of origin.

See also the obituary by Peter Foukal in Physics Today, January , pp. . for the experiments at the CERN accelerators, initially at the SC and finally at the. Monday, May 27, Mn. etfiw E««nla Tom, 3: Anuro, POJIM away Su'^doy. tad **ri a resident of El Prjig y«rs and wo ine wlaow rt tv ic George W. Tom.

In this study, Cape gooseberries from eight different regions within the Peruvian Andes were profiled for their metabolism implementing a NMR platform. Twenty-four compounds could be unequivocally identified and sixteen singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries. One-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey test revealed that all of the quantified metabolites changed significantly among regions: Bambamarca I showed the most accumulated significant differences. The coefficient of variation demonstrated high phenotypic plasticity for amino acids, while singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries displayed low phenotypic plasticity.

Correlation analysis highlighted the closely coordinated behavior of the amino acid profile. Finally, PLS-DA revealed a clear separation among the regions based on their metabolic profiles, accentuating the discriminatory capacity of NMR in establishing significant phytochemical differences between producing regions of singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries fruit of P.

Desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de Theobroma grandiflorum Willd. Full Text Available O presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento inicial de plântulas de Theobroma grandiflorum Willd. Ao final de 50 dias, após a emergência, as plântulas de cupuaçu foram submetidas a três níveis de sombreamento, sendo: Fifty days, after the emergency, the saplings were submitted to three levels of shade, being: Sapling development was carried out in randomized block design with 15 repetitions 15 saplings.

The sapling height, lap diameter and the numbers of leaves being evaluated on the 60st, 82nd, rd, th, days after sapling emergence. Efecto del extracto del fruto de Physalis peruviana "tomatillo" en Mus musculus var. Se utilizaron Mus musculus var. Se trabajó con cuatro grupos de ratones, el grupo blanco recibió agua destilada por vía oral y solución salina fisiológica por vía intraperitoneal, el grupo control recibió agua destilada por vía oral y tritón por vía intraperitoneal, el grupo problema 1 recibió por vía oral 0.

Luego de 24 horas de administrar los tratamientos se re alizaron las mediciones en suero de las concentraciones de colesterol y triglicéridos. En el presente trabajo se propuso generar poblaciones F1 entre parentales contrastantes por su respuesta a éste patógeno y evaluarlas molecularmente como apoyo al conocimiento y uso de los recursos genéticos de la especie. Para ello, cuatro genotipos de P. Dichos genotipos se utilizaron como parentales para la generación y caracterización molecular de poblaciones F1.

Las variables cuantitativas permitieron diferenciar las especies P. A nivel molecular no se identificaron polimorfismos dentro de P.

En una población F1 de 51 individuos generada entre las especies se encontró un total de alelos con un promedio de 3,18 por locus, un PIC de 0, y altos valores de heterocigocidad Ho: El estudio aporta conocimiento sobre la cruzabilidad en uchuva y la variabilidad genética de genotipos parentales y poblaciones F1.

Operationally defined species characterization singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries bioaccessibility evaluation of cobalt, copper and selenium in Cape gooseberry Physalis Peruviana L. Physalis peruviana could attract great interest because of its nutritional and industrial properties.

It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and carotenoids. Physalis Peruviana is also known to have a positive impact on human health. Unfortunately, still little is known about trace elements present in Physalis Peruviana and their forms available for the human body. Thus, the aim of this study was to estimate bioaccessibility and characterization of species of cobalt, copper and selenium in Physalis Peruviana fruits.

Total and extractable contents of elements were determined by mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma ICP MS. In order to separate the different types of metal complexes Physalis peruviana fruits were treated with the following solvents: The best efficiency of extraction of: To obtain information about bioaccessibility of investigated elements, enzymatic extraction based on in vitro simulation of gastric pepsin and intestinal pancreatin digestion was performed.

The main fraction of metal compounds was found in the 17 kDa region. Cobalt and copper create complexes mostly with compounds extracted by means of ammonium acetate and SDS, respectively.

Cobalt, copper and selenium were found to be highly bioaccessible from Physalis Peruviana. Investigation of available standards of cobalt and selenium.

Elephant grass has been proposed for the energy sector as a possible source of renewable energy, because of its high biomass production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the mineral nutrients nitrogen and potassium on the morpho-agronomic traits dry mater yield Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituariespercentage of. Assim, o fruto physalis pode ser considerado uma boa fonte de compostos antioxidantes naturais.

Plant hormones have been widely studied for their roles in the regulation of various aspects related to plant development and, in particular, into their action during development and ripening of fleshly fruits. The obtained evidences suggest that the functions of these hormones are no restricted to a particular development stage, and more than one hormone is involved in controlling various aspects of plant development.

Our results will contribute to understand the role of these hormones during growth and development of calyx, fruits and leaves in cape gooseberry singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries. This work offers a good, quickly and efficiently protocol to extract and quantify simultaneously ABA, IAA and JA in different tissues of cape gooseberry plants. Transcriptome analysis of a Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana plant with leaf symptoms of a mild yellow mosaic typical of a viral disease revealed an infection with Potato virus X Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries.

The PVX-Physalis genome is the only complete sequence available for a Potexvirus in Colombia and is a new addition to the restricted number of singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries sequences of PVX isolates infecting plant species different to potato.

Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana juice as a modulator agent for hepatocellular carcinoma-linked apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana fruit singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries highly nutritious with high content of health-promoting compounds including minerals, phenolic compounds, as well as vitamins A and C. Physalis peruviana fruits were used as mutagenic, antispasmodic, anticoagulant, and antileucemis agents.

The objective of the present work was to study the role of cape gooseberry juice CG as a natural modulator agent for adverse aspects associated with hepatocellular carcinoma HCC. The results recorded that HCC rats had a significant disturbance in blood indices. S phase, and M4: Numerous histopathological alterations were detected in hepatic tissues of HCC rats such as inflammation, damage of hepatocytes, dilated congested central vein with degenerated endothelial cells and congested blood sinusoids in addition to collagen fibers in hepatocytes and central vein indicating hepatic fibrosis.

HCC rats received CG showed an improvement in all tested parameters. The effects of CG were through down regulation of p53 expression and up-regulation of Bcl2 domain protected hepatic structure from extensive damage. CG was more effective than ADR, and it has a remarkable role in the management of hepatic disorders besides its success as a chemo-sensitizer for ADR treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

A total of 2, female sand flies were captured by CDC light traps and Shannon traps, of which 2, and 66 flies were identified as Lutzomyia tejadai and Lu fischeri, respectively. The parasite species was identified as a hybrid of L. The result suggested that Lu. Full Text Available Machining properties is one of the parameters to determine the quality of the wood.

Tests on machining properties of wood are important to know the easiness level of workmanship as raw materials of furniture industry, construction wood and other wood products. This research was aimed at determining the difference of machining properties between timo wood Timonius sericeus Desf K. The observation of qualities of the machining were done visually by calculating the percentage of defects that arise on the surface of the samples after the machining process, then the qualities were classified into five quality classes.

The results showed that the machining properties of timo wood and kabesak wood were very good and belonging to the quality of class I. Both timo and kabesak wood are suitable as raw material, for the variety of furniture and molding products.

Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the best substrate type and light conditions for the cultivation of seedlings of Tocoyena formosa Cham. Three months after emergence, the seedlings were selected and transplanted in 4-L pots, in two types of substrates: After acclimation, the physiologic quality of the seedlings was determined monthly, by analysis of growth and Dickson quality index, for days.

The experiment was carried out using a randomized block design in a 2 x 4 x 4 factorial scheme substrate x shading x age of seedling, with three repetitions of three seedlings. Efecto de dos inhibidores de la nitrificación sobre la concentración de nitratos en pasto elefante Pennisetum purpureum Schum. Las concentraciones de nitratos en los suelos y en el tejido vegetal tendieron a incrementarse a medida que aumentaban los niveles de fertilización.

La efectividad de los inhibidores se encuentra determinada por los niveles de fertilización y, en algunos casos, por las condiciones medio ambientales presentes. It was compared the grade of inhibition of two inhibitors products of the nitrification Sulfatiazol, N - Serve and the tendencies on the conversion of ammonium into nitrate in the ground and the concentration of this ion on Pennisetum purpureum Schum.

The concentrations of nitrates on the grounds and the vegetal tissue stretched to intensity at the same time as singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries increase the levels of nitrogenous. The effectiveness of the inhibitors is determined for the employed levels and in some cases for the present environment conditions. Se obtuvieron raíces transformadas de Physalis peruviana L.

Efecto de la aplicación de elicitores sobre la producción de 4b- hidroxiwithanólido E, en raíces transformadas de Physalis peruviana L. Se obtuvieron raíces transformadas de Physalis singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana is an economically valuable species of Physalis in the family of Solanaceae. Native to the tropical South America, Cape Gooseberry then spread to tropical, subtropical, and sometimes mild climate zones.

Physalis peruviana is a plant that highly needs heat, sun light and moisture, and that does not withstand low temperature and strong winds. It is not so much selective in terms of soil. Effect of ethylene and 1-methylcyclopropene on the postharvest behavior of cape gooseberry fruits Physalis peruviana L.

Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ethylene and the ethylene action inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene on the postharvest behavior of cape gooseberry fruits ecotype Colombia.

The pretreatment of the cape gooseberry fruits with 1-methylcyclopropene delayed most of the ripening-associated parameters, with a reduction in the respiration rate and ethylene production, skin color development, total soluble solids, total carotenoid content, loss of firmness, loss of total titratable acidity and emission of volatile compounds such as ethyl octanoate, ethyl butanoate, ethyl decanoate, and hexyl decanoate. Conversely, application of ethephon accelerated most of these physiological changes and also overcame most of the effects prevented by the ethylene action inhibitor.

Altogether, the results supported the idea of a climacteric-like behavior for cape gooseberry fruits and pointing out that the pretreatment with 1-methylcyclopropene may be a promising and efficient postharvest treatment to delay maturity and extend the postharvest period.

The structures of were elucidated by the analysis of their spectroscopic data, and were identified by comparison of their spectroscopic data with those reported. All withanolides were evaluated for their cytotoxic activity against a panel of tumor cell lines including LNCaP androgen-sensitive human prostate adenocarcinoma22Rv1 androgen-resistant human prostate adenocarcinomaSingles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries human renal adenocarcinomaM14 human melanomaSK-MEL human melanomaand normal human foreskin fibroblast cells.

These cytotoxicity data provide additional structure-activity relationship information for the BHWs. Safety of sucrose esters from Physalis peruviana L. Although extracts and consumed foods from Physalis species contain sucrose esters from their glandular trichomes, there is no experimental data available on their toxicological effects.

As peruvioses A and B isolated from Physalis singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries L. At the end of the treatment, animals were sacrificed and their organs weighted, and blood and tissue samples were collected. Toxicological endpoints included clinical signs; food consumption; body and organ weights; hematological and biochemical parameters; as well as macroscopic and microscopic examination of tissues.

The results showed no significant differences between treated animals and control group at macroscopic, histological, molecular, and biochemical levels.

In addition, a combination of mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test, comet assay in peripheral blood cells, and Ames test, did not reveal genotoxic effects induced by peruvioses. Taken together, our data suggests that peruvioses A and B can be safely employed to treat inflammatory diseases. The fruit of Physalis peruviana is widely used in traditional Colombian medicine as an antidiabetic treatment. Bioguided fractionation of a dichloromethane extract of the sticky exudate that covers the fruit allowed the isolation and identification of three new sucrose esters, named as peruvioses C-Ealong with the known peruvioses A 6B 5 and F 4the structures of which were elucidated by extensive NMR and MS experiments.

These compounds proved to be responsible for the hypoglycemic activity observed in the extract. Peruviose D 2 showed the highest activity, with an inhibitory activity value of Influence of cultivar and ripening time on bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties in Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana is an exotic fruit highly valued for its organoleptic properties and bioactive compounds.

Considering that the presence of phenolics and ascorbic acid could contribute to its functional capacity, it is important to investigate the quality parameters, bioactive contents and functional properties with respect to genotype and ripening time. In this study the genotype effect was evaluated in 15 cultivars for two different harvest times.

Changes during maturation were recorded in two singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries cultivars within seven levels of maturity. Multivariate statistical analysis suggested that phenolic content and ORAC value were mainly affected by harvest time and that ascorbic acid content and DPPH level were mainly affected by genotype.

The phenolic content, ascorbic acid content and antioxidant properties of Cape gooseberry fruit were strongly affected by cultivar, harvest time and maturity state. Consequently, the harvest time must be scheduled carefully to gain the highest proportion of bioactive compounds according to the specific cultivar and the environment where it is grown. Occurrence of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia hybrids, Physalis peruviana L.

Colombian datura virus CDV has been found to infect angel trumpets Brugmansia spp. It had flexuous thread-like virions of about x 12 nm in size. Host range and symptomathological studies revealed its great similarity to authentic CDV isolates.

Browallia demissa, Ipomoea purpurea, N. Potyvirus-specific coat protein CP gene sequences of about bp from angel trumpet, cape gooseberry and pepino plants were amplified by RT-PCR.

CDV has been found for the first time to infect naturally cape gooseberry and pepino. En el sistema productivo de la uchuva Physalis peruvianaexisten diferentes especies de artrópodos, en su mayoría polífagos como Copitarsia decolora Lepidoptera: Noctuidaeque se alimentan de hojas jóvenes y frutos afectando la producción. El manejo de nóctuidos en el cultivo incluye el manejo de malezas, control químico y biológico. Aspectos produtivos do capim-elefante Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.

Roxo no brejo paraibano Productive aspects of elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum, Schum. Roxo in Paraíba swamp region. Full Text Available O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar o efeito de diferentes alturas de corte sobre a produtividade do capim-elefante cv. Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries em épocas de seca e chuva no Brejo paraibano. Counties may be created, abol ished or changed by law, with provision for pay ment or apportionment of the public debt.

The care, custody andmethod of disbursing county funds shall be pro vided by general law. Pursuant to general orspecial law, a county government may be es tablished by charter which shall be adopted,amended or repealed only upon vote of theelectors of the county in a special electioncalled for that purpose.

There shall beelected by the electors of each county, for termsof four years, a sheriff, a tax collector, a prop erty appraiser, a supervisor of elections, and aclerk of the circuit court; except, when provided by county charter or special law approved by vote of the electors of the county, any county officer may be chosen in another manner therein specified, or any county office may be abolished when all the duties of the office pre scribed by general law are transferred to an other office Unless When not otherwise provided by county charter or special law ap proved by vote of the electors or pursuant to Ar ticle V, section 16 the clerk of the circuit court shall be ex officio clerk of the board of countycommissioners, auditor, recorder and custodianof all county funds.

Notwithstanding subsection 6 e of this article, a county charter may not abolish the office of a sheriff, a tax collector, a property appraiser, a supervisor of elections, or a clerk of the circuit court; transfer the duties of those officers to another officer or office; change the length of the four-year term of of fice; or establish any manner of selection other than by election by singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries electors of the county. Except when otherwiseprovided by county charter, the governing bodyof each county shall be a board of county com missioners composed of five or seven mem bers serving staggered terms of four years.

After each decennial census the board ofcounty commissioners shall divide the countyinto districts of contiguous territory as nearlyequal in population as practicable.

One com missioner residing in each district shall beelected as provided by law. Countiesnot operating under county charters shall havesuch power of self-government as is providedby general or special law. The board of countycommissioners of a county not operating undera charter may enact, in a manner prescribed bygeneral law, county ordinances not inconsistentwith general or special law, but an ordinance inconflict with a municipal ordinance shall not beeffective within the municipality to the extent ofsuch conflict.

Counties oper ating under county charters shall have all pow ers of local self-government not inconsistentwith general law, or with special law approvedby vote of the electors.

The Herald-advocate

The governing body ofa county operating under a charter may enactcounty ordinances not inconsistent with generallaw. The charter shall provide which shall pre vail in the event of conflict between county andmunicipal ordinances.

Property situate withinmunicipalities shall not be subject to taxationfor services rendered by the county exclusivelyfor the benefit of the property or residents in un incorporated areas. Each county ordi nance shall be filed with the custodian of staterecords and shall become effective at such timethereafter as is provided by general law. Persons vi olating county ordinances shall be prosecutedand punished as provided by law. In every county there shallbe a county seat at which shall be located theprincipal offices and permanent records of allcounty officers.

The county seat may not bemoved except as provided by general law. Branch offices for the conduct of county busi ness may be established elsewhere in thecounty by resolution of the governing body ofthe county in the manner prescribed by law. Noinstrument shall be deemed recorded until filedat the county seat, or a branch office desig nated by the governing body of the county forthe recording of instruments, according to law.

— singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries This article shall replace all of Article VIII ofthe Constitution ofas amended, exceptthose sections expressly retained and made apart of this article by reference.

The status of the fol lowing items as they exist on the date thisarticle becomes effective is recognized andshall be continued until changed in accordancewith law: Every person holding office when this articlebecomes effective shall continue in office forthe remainder of the term if that office is notabolished. If the office is abolished the incum bent shall be paid adequate compensation, tobe fixed singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries law, for the loss of emoluments forthe remainder of the term.

Local laws relating only tounincorporated areas of a county on the effec tive date of this article may be amended or re pealed by county ordinance. Arti cle VIII, Sections 9, 10, 11 and 24, of the Con stitution ofas amended, shall remain infull force and effect as to each county affected,as if this article had not been adopted, until thatcounty shall expressly adopt a charter or homerule plan pursuant to this article. All provisionsof the Metropolitan Dade County Home Rule Charter, heretofore or hereafter adopted by theelectors of Dade County pursuant to Article VIII,Section 11, of the Constitution ofasamended, shall be valid, and any amendmentsto such charter shall be valid; provided that thesaid provisions of such charter and the saidamendments thereto are authorized under saidArticle VIII, Section 11, of the Constitution of, as amended.

To the extent not in consistent with the powers of existing munici palities or general law, the MetropolitanGovernment of Dade County may exercise allthe powers conferred now or hereafter by gen eral law upon municipalities. — 1 Except as provided in this subsection, the amendment to Section 1 of this article, relating to the selection and duties of county officers, shall take effect January 5,but shall gov ern with respect to the qualifying for and the holding of the primary and general elections for county constitutional officers in The legislature shall have power, byjoint resolution, to delete from this article anysubsection of this Section 6, including this sub section, when all events to which the subsec tion to be deleted is or could become applicablehave occurred.

A legislative determination offact made as a basis for application of this sub section shall be subject to judicial review. Removes discriminatory language related toreal property rights. Removes obsolete lan guage repealed by voters.

Deletes provisionthat amendment of a criminal statute will not af fect prosecution or penalties singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries a crime com mitted before the amendment; retains currentprovision allowing prosecution of a crime com mitted before the repeal of a criminal statute.

—All natural persons,female and male alike, are equal before the lawand have inalienable rights, among which arethe right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, topursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry,and to acquire, possess and protect property;except that the ownership, inheritance, dispo sition and possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship may be regulated or prohibited by law No person shall be deprived of any right because of race, singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries, nationalorigin, or physical disability.

Repeal of criminal statutes. —Re peal or amendment of a criminal statute shall not affect prosecution or punishment for any crime previously committed before such repeal SECTION Repealed High speed ground transportation system.

—To reduce traffic con gestion and provide alternatives to the traveling public, it is hereby declared to be in the public interest that a high speed ground transportation system consisting of a monorail, fixed guideway or magnetic levitation system, capable of speeds in excess of miles per hour, be de veloped and operated in the State of Florida to provide high speed ground transportation by in novative, efficient and effective technologies consisting of dedicated rails or guideways sep arated from motor vehicular traffic that will link the five largest urban areas of the State as de termined by the Legislature and provide for ac cess to existing air and ground transportation facilities and services.

Expands current restrictions on lobbying forcompensation by former public officers; createsrestrictions on lobbying for compensation byserving public officers and former justices andjudges; provides exceptions; prohibits abuse ofa public position by public officers and employ ees to obtain a personal benefit.

— A publicoffice is a public trust. The people shall havethe right to secure and sustain that trust againstabuse. To assure this right: The manner of recoveryand additional damages may be provided bylaw. Nomember of the legislature shall personally rep resent another person or entity for compensa tion during term of office before any stateagency other than judicial tribunals. Similar re strictions on other public officers and employ ees may be established by law.

A statewide elected officer or member of the legislature shall not lobby the legislature or any state government body or agency.

A person serving as a secretary, an executive director, or other agency head of a department of the executive branch of state government shall not lobby the legislature, the governor, the executive office of the governor, members of the cabinet, a department that is headed by a member of the cabinet, or his or her former de partment.

A county commissioner, a county officer pur suant to Article VIII or county charter, a school board member, a superintendent of schools, an elected municipal officer, or an elected special district officer in a special district with ad val orem taxing authority shall not lobby his or her former agency or governing body. Any such law shall not contain provisions on any other subject.

Ap propriate penalties shall be prescribed by law. The forms for such sourcedisclosure and the rules under which they areto be filed shall be prescribed by the independ ent commission established in subsection g fand such rules shall include disclosure ofsecondary sources of income.

Ethics in the judiciary Prohibited activities. — a All justices and judges shall devote full time to their judicial duties. A justice or judge They shall not engage in the practice of law or holdoffice in any political party.

The legislature may enact legislation to implement this subsection, including, but not limited to, defining terms and providing penalties for violations. Any such law shall not contain provisions on any other sub ject. Phases out commercial dog racing in connec tion with wagering by Other gaming ac tivities are not affected. After December 31,a person authorized to conduct gaming or pari-mutuel operations may not race grey hounds or any member of the Canis Familiaris subspecies in connection with any wager for money or any other thing of value in this state, and persons in this state may not wager money or any other thing of value on the outcome of a live dog race occurring in this state.

By general law, the legislature shall specify civil or criminal penalties for violations of this section and for activities that aid or abet violations of this section. The HeraldAdvocate S. He is one of 11men in the local program who have earned a black belt in Karate.

The chief teacher is KevinWhite. There is a class for 4 and 5-year-olds on Tuesdays at 5: They beganthe overall program several years ago with 8 to 10 students. There are 10 levels to earn beforeblack belt and 10 levels of black belt.

Ronin Goju Karate is a blend of Japanese andChinese karate and is a total approach for a successful, confident and disciplinedlife, said Roberts. Cit izens can protect themselves singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries most scam calls by registering their phones withwww.

Beware of callers regarding prizes and vacations. Spoofing en ables scammers to change caller IDsNever take immediate action or use a wiretransfer or prepaid card or give out bank or personal information. Never say "yes"to an unknown caller. Some scammers try to access your bank account. Beware ofunsolicited checks or automatic withdrawals. Don't be fooled by a check's appear ance most look legitimate and official. Don't deposit checks from strangers orcompanies you have no relationship with.

Don't wire money to people you don'tknow. Beware of IRS scams that say you owe back taxes and want immediate pay ment. The IRS never calls by phone but sends letters. Beware of charity scams andlottery sweepstakes. Equifax had a data breech last year with about million IDscompromised.

File your IRS taxes early. Thelocal health department offers school health nursing, family planning, communi cable disease surveillance and treatment, tobacco prevention, immunization, emer gency preparedness, environmental health, population health analysis, andcommunity collaboration.

Some 13 percent of Hardee County residents have diabetes, withthe state average of 11 percent. In fair or poor health are 29 percent of residents,the state average being 19 percent.

Hardee ranks average in the rate of prematuredeaths under age Hardee has a lower than state average in prevalence of HIVcases and also has fewer low birth weights than state average. In overall health fac tors Hardee ranks No. Some 35 percent of Hardee adultsare obese, the state average being 26 percent. Some 19 percent of Hardee adultsare smokers, compared with a state average of 15 percent. Births from teenagemothers have shown a healthy decline in recent years in Hardee.

Hardee ranks wellbelow state average in primary care doctors, dentists and mental health providers. Hardee has one mental health provider per 6, residents, compared with thestate ratio of one to residents.

Hardee is below average in number of violentcrimes. Hardee is below state average in rates of excessive drinking and drug over doses. From left are attorney Mike Martin, his wife Dr. Joy Jackson, and club pres ident Noey Flores. He is a reclama tion specialist for the east mines for Mosaic. He said a nest of the Northern crestedcaracara requires a one-mile buffer of protection.

There are five nests in the area,and road kill is picked up and placed near the nests. Mosaic employees are not al lowed to even touch an Eastern indigo snake. Gopher tortoises have to be relo cated. Their burrows can be 30 feet long and up to 20 feet deep and are also usedby spiders, snakes and other animals. Roosting sites of wood storks require pro tection. The nests of bald eagles have to be kept with a buffer and are usually foundin pine trees.

Florida burrowing owls have to be trapped and moved to a better habi tat when mining. Florida scrub jays have to be relocated, and the numbers are in creasing. We have seen a few panthersand bears on Mosaic property. The items were donated to the causeby Elisa F. Shown is cancer survivor Sylvia Lozano as she draws and readsthe winning ticket. With her is Pauline Ochoa of Heartland Pharmacy. The winner was Angel Perez ofWauchula. Friday, September 28, Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: The paper comes out this week on Sept.

I wish him lots of birthday cake and ice cream! Also, that was the wed ding anniversary for my late husband, Kay Silverman, and me. We would have been mar ried 59 years on this date. Time sure does fly! Everyone sure needs to be careful with all this rain. Our neighbors, Mary Lois and Leonard Crawley, found two cotton-mouth moccasins on their front porch.

Naturally, they are no longer as Leonard killed them. Just look where you are stepping! I also have a note on my calendar that Mary Lois will celebrate her big 80 on the 28th. Happy birthday wishes are extended to Mary Lois! Speaking of the Crawleys, their grandson, Blake, blows his truck horn every morning at the end of their driveway on his way to work. I think this is nice, lets them know he is up, alive and well! Connie Coker told me Danny is back on shift work. They normally are weekend fishing experts!

A group of friends all beach and fish dur ing the summer. Their daughter, Angie, and family moved to Tennessee, so grandparents are planning a trip to visit with that grand daughter, Addie! I am sure they can hardly wait to visit with them, and Connie singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries Angie and Rocky will be working so they can play with Addie without visiting with grownups! It was good to read about the success of the swimming team in last weeks paper.

There were too many deaths again this past week. He made his final journey last week. He always came to Fort Green when Gulf State was singing and we were having a meal. His wife, Irma, will have to make some adjustments.

Dave will be missed. Mable Williamson was happy to have her sister, Cleo, visit her from Chipley. Her daughter, husband and grand daughter were all with her. On a sad note, Jamess sister, Maxine Motes, passed early last Sunday. Our sincere sympathy is extended to James and his family. Then Hinton Shackelford made his final journey, and even though he had been in Resthaven you are never ready to see them go. Helen Albrit ton told me that her grandson, Caleb, and Hintons grandson had been best of friends since first grade.

Our sympathy is extended to his family. Buck Redding was wellknown especially by the young people. He taught at the high school for many a year, and students active in FFA and 4-H especially knew him.

Tim Casey sang a special in church last Sunday in honor of Denise and Ernest Millers first wedding anniversary. It was very pretty. There were quite a few on our prayer requests at church last week. Sherry Smith is sick, possibly with a kidney problem. Geraldine Floyd has broken a couple of toes. Tim Cowart no longer has any appetite and thus is not eating.

Patsy Hughes will singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries sur gery Wednesday in Orlando for a problem with her thyroid and throat area. Killian Soto, a 3-month-old baby, has a problem with her muscles.

She was anointed and had special prayer last Wednesday evening. Sherry Miller, of the Heartland Chorale, has some serious health problems.

I singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries know if she is out of the hospital or not. Please pray for these and others you may be aware of and we are not. Our nation is filled with hate. Everyone needs to be in deep prayer for the USA. It is also important that everyone remembers to get registered to vote if they are not, and make the effort to cast your ballot in November.

Dont forget the benefit with a fundraiser this coming Saturday for Kelly Yeomans.

President George H.W. Bush funeral: Full ceremony from the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

The menu is pulled pork, corn on the cob and baked beans. Also, it would be a good idea to add Kelly to your prayer list! Relay for Life is having a meal soon, Oct. We need to support that also. Please pray for one another and our nation.

Local non-profit group SendMeMissions Inc. Wallace is about a mile drive north of Wilmington, N. The trips will be on the fol lowing dates: Volunteers need to be at least 16 years old. Volunteers younger than 18 need a parent to fill out a release form and an able-bodied chaperone who will also be volunteering to accompany them.

For more information and frequent updates, follow SMM on social media. Kelly Weems Yeomans family will be holding a fundraiser for her this Satur day. There will also be a raffle at 5 p. Items in the raffle are: A Weber gas grill from Vision Ace Hardware. A large flat-screen TV. A bag of scented seasonal candles from Tractor Supply. A GoPro from Caloosa Outfitters. Western tack from Damboise Ranch. Oil changes from Alan Jay Ford. An arrangement from Coopers Wayside Flowers Inc.

There will be music playing at the event, and possibly a live music performance. You can also purchase tickets at the event.

Son, Happy 20th Birthday today! Knowing again we will see and touch your beautiful face. Son, the Lord needed you more in heaven.

Forever loved and missed baby angel Blessings to heaven and all. We walk by faith, not by sight. Ryals and Emily Thomas. Dont forget the first annual Men in Black, where the guest speaker singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries be the Rev. This Saturday at 7 p. Pickup time is from 11 a. Lunch will be a pulled pork sandwich, bag of chips and dessert. Any dinners not picked up by 1 will be sold on a first-come basis. We will have extras to buy as well.

Tickets are available for pur chase from any Relay For Life member. For more info, call Trayce Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries at Reed, pastor on Sept. The More Excellent Way. Also prayers for Mark Brown recovering from surgery. She was a member of Shiloh MB Church. Visitation was Friday evening, and dinner at Shiloh. Repass was at The Womans Club. Pastor Howard Clark spent the weekend of Aug. The Daniels Family Re union was enjoyed Aug. Mary Baptist Church, the Rev. Happy birthday to Pastor Mike Davis, on Sept.

Lewis Shephard, was Sept. Guests were the Rev. Jackson and New Mt. Olive MB Church of Lakeland. Pleasant MB Church of Tampa. This is Pastor Shepherds sixth year for Pastor Appreciation. The Sons of Allen program will be at New Mt.

Willie Hayes, Wauchula at 11 a. Dinner will follow in the church dining hall. Jace Greene enjoyed the weekend in Lakeland with the family. Home game will be this Fri day night at Wildcat Stadium, kickoff at 7: Its Hardee Cats vs. Hope we all show the Wildcats Orange spirit. Homecoming Parade will be Oct. Homecoming game at 7: Bartow High School Yellow Jackets.

Fifth Sunday Fellowship of Churches will convene Sept. Guests attending will be Friendship Missionary Baptist, the Rev. Hollimon of Zolfo Springs; and Mt. Olive Mis sionary Baptist Church, the Rev. Caldwell, pastor, of No catee. Dinner will be served before the 3 p. Each night will be the same, so families dont need to come more than once. Seniors and their parents will need to visit fafsa. The class will re view the private applicator pesticide license test materials; the test will follow at 1 p.

The registration fees include re freshments. Call the Singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries Office at to register as soon as possible. The fee includes refreshments. To register, call the Ex tension Office at before Oct. To obtain an ag tree crop li cense, you need to have a valid pesticide license or re cently have passed the core category, offered Oct. Hospice Trains New VolunteersLocal citizens can volun teer with Cornerstone Hospice and help at events, visit hospice patients in Hardee County, provide support to veterans or as sist at the local office.

Vol unteers need to come to training on Oct. Ridgewood Drive, Suite 3 in Sebring. Breakfast items and cof fee will be provided. Con tact volunteer specialist Dorothy Harris at or doharris cshospice. Whisk together all ingredients except chicken. Place chicken wings in a large ziptop food storage bag. Pour marinade over wings, seal bag and turn to coat evenly. Refrig erate at least 2 hours, or up to overnight. Heat grill to mediumhigh. Remove chicken wings and discard marinade.

Grill 8 to 10 minutes per side, turning occasionally, until golden brown and cooked through. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our Web site at www. All rights reserved Recipes FromGood Housekeeping The largest number of children born to one woman is recorded at Froma Russian peasant woman gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadru plets. The walkathonis a fundraiser in which students collect pledges for laps,and then walk or run as many laps as they can to earnmoney for their school.

The kids enjoy the time outsidegetting fresh air, exercise and listening to music, all thewhile singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries money for WES. This was the topic of the day: Do you think it was fair for the U. In addition to the colorful back packs, BGE received composition books and a basket full of various classroomsupplies.

At each, a question or prompt is posted for them to answer and interact and shareknowledge in the process. The fifth team member at the finals will be Casey King. Missing from the photo are teammatesJustin Peebles and Robert Fussell. Pryor, who has been a member of this team for years, recently joined the U. Peebles will be replaced on this team by bronc-riderTy Edwards at the finals. Marshall Godsey is the designated bronc rider for the Push Hard Cattle team, andhere he is shown in a picture-perfect ride at the Fort Pierce Ranch Rodeo in late March.

A total of 16 competing teams are each made up of fourcowboys and a cowgirl. Theyhave been competing since lateJanuary at qualifying eventsaround the state. Teams mak ing these finals at the SilverSpurs Arena in Kissimmee ei ther won or placed at such anevent. TheState Finals will feature sevenevents: And Hardee County has its presence all over the finals! Fussell is the designated broncrider for the team. BothDieter and Fussell are broncriders, so one of them willcomplete the ride at Kissim mee.

With all of the qualifying events having been completedby the end of July, the 16teams are now chomping at the bit to see who will be takinghome those beautiful trophysaddles! And that informationwill be revealed on Saturdaynight at the conclusion of thefinals. The working cow dog com petition is during the morningon Friday, and the winner willperform on Saturday nightwhile the scores are being tal lied.

Saturday is the busy day, starting at 10 a. The Cow boy Heritage Festival — withcowboy poetry, music, historyand storytelling along withartists and leather-working aswell as barbecue and swampcabbage cooking — takesplace inside the Heritage Clubarena. And inside the arena all day Saturday is the ranch horsecompetition, singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries at 9 a. All team members must be 50 years orolder.

Darin Hughes has been a member of the Ranch RodeoCommittee for years, and youwill see him there helping out.

Millie Carlton Bolin lends hermelodious voice to one or tworenditions of our National An them. Bolin is one of thedirectors of the Foundation.

This is a family event, with activities for all ages — plentyof good eats, vendors, andlotsa fun. Each rodeo perform ance includes aboot scramble for the littletykes. So, come to the Silver Spurs Arena and Osceola HeritagePark this weekend and root forfathers and sons and one fa ther and daughtermarriedcouples, cousins, brothers anda brother and sisterand evena set of cowboy twins. Carl Sinclair Atkins Jr. The following civil actions and small-claims cases were disposed of recently by the county judge: Travis Bashore and Donovan Richardson, and Chipotle Mexican Grill, satisfaction of final judgment for garnishment of employee wages.

Capital One Bank vs. Gilliard, voluntary dis missal. The following criminal traffic and misdemeanor cases were disposed of last week in County Court: There was no criminal traf fic or misdemeanor sentencing last week as the courts were closed for the Yom Kippur holiday.

Canary, contracts and in debtedness. Taylor and Robert Clayton Taylor, petition for divorce. The following decisions on civil cases pending in the Circuit Court were handed down recently by the circuit judge: Limestone Ranch, also known as Durando Family Ranch, vs.

Fran cisco Rivera, final judgment of injunction for protection. Ronnie Red ding, final judgment of injunc tion for protection. Florida Department of Rev enue and Tammy L. Randall Brian Albritton, order redirecting payment through state disbursement unit. Nichols, order on petition to authorize child support credit findings. Seay, order sus pending ongoing child support order on arrears findings.

Enrique Garza III, final order on peti tion to establish child support. Enier Durades, final judgment on petition for enforcement of administrative support order.

Ana Pare des and Alberto Perez, final judgment of foreclosure. Corson and FDOR vs. Peter Andrew Slemons III, final judgment on petition for enforcement of administrative support order.

Michael Purser, voluntary dismissal. The following felony criminal cases were disposed of last week by the circuit judge: Christopher Lee Martin, violation of probation, original charge possession of more than three grams of synthetic marijuana, probation revoked, new term of two years probation, license suspended one year, curfew between 10 p. Mikey Retana, violation of probation, original charges possession of meth and singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries session of marijuana, proba tion restored and modified, license suspended one year, re main in jail until bed becomes available at drug treatment center.

Gertrude Fleurantin, viola tion of probation, original charge possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana, probation restored and modi fied to add six months, curfew between singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries p. Ronda Michelle Hernandez, violation of probation, original charge possession of meth, 60 days jail, credit time served, probation restored and modi fied to add two years, curfew between 10 p.

Tommy Lee Parker Jr. Aaron Drew and Lauren M. Dyess to James B. David and Phyllis T. Fitzgerald to Deborah L. The agenda can be viewed at www. Pursuant to Section The City Commission of the City of Wauchula, Florida does not discriminate upon the basis of any individuals disability status. This non-discriminatory policy in volves every aspect of the Commissions functions, including ones access to, partic ipation, employment or treatment in its programs or activities.

Anyone singles de fort mill sc newspaper obituaries reasonable accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section This nondiscrimination policy involves every aspect of the Districts functions, including access to and participation in the Districts programs and activities. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1 TDD or 1 Voice.

For more information, you may contact: Younger sister Adriana fin ished the day third overall with a time of Tatiana, a senior, finished the day fourth overall with a time of The sisters were the only members of the squad to finish in the top Adriana and Tatiana led the way, said coach Rob Beatty.

At the half mile point they were in 13 and 14, but by the 1. Katie Brandeberry also medaled for Hardee after turning in a

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